What better way to kick off my new blog than with a beautiful image of two of my favourite things (ok, quite a few actually if you count the trees and path and flowers...)? A garden and Winter...

I guess the last four years or so have felt like Winter in my life...and although I do love Winter, it's time to let Spring do its thing and let life show me some blossoms again.

Those of you that know me will remember that my blog came to a halt when my mum passed away in 2013 and then although I tried to resurrect Fabulous Sandra, life had other plans and we lost a very loved young man in April 2014.


So yes, it's been a long dark and cold Winter. Let me tell you, Grief Sucks.

But today, out of the blue, just like that I decided I would resurrect Fabulous Sandra, but not being too cluey when it comes to tech stuff, it all proved too difficult and something told me it may well be time for new things, just like my little bulbs just showing their tips through the dirt, signs of what's to come, signs of Spring are happening even though technically we are in the middle of Winter..

So here I am, and I wonder if there is anyone left on Blogosphere that even remembers me, but if not, then let's hold onto that thought of New Beginnings and start fresh, shall we?

I have a Facebook account, and I love my Instagram, but I find blogging is more my thing - more like keeping a journal but sharing it out there without the judgement of FB (hopefully) and most importantly, without having to constantly put up with all the show-offs that pop up daily on my FB feed, and the competitiveness of those suffering from FOMO. Ugh...been there, done that.

Well that's it for me today. I'm harboring a nasty lurgy courtesy of hubby and the one daughter still at home (gotta love these close-knit families hey?) so I may just take myself to bed with a cuppa...even though it's only 2.30pm and I hate sleeping during the day.

See ya

Sandra x
